It was very much sensational debut ivent when this Pajero mini was released by Mitsubishi Motor Japan on 1994Year, because the endo of ’80years to 1994year, The brother vehicle, Mitsubishi Pajero was one of best “Selling, and popular” vehicle in Japan, There is no words like “SUV”, We call this type of vehicles here as “Cro-kan”, it’s abbreviations of “Cross country type vehicles”, a kind of 4×4 vehicles, more softer and mild taste 4×4 Jeep type, or style vehicles, which can carry more people than old style jeep “So much confortably”…. has gorgeous interior, air cond, power steering, etc…. nice options.
This Pajero Mini was said to be “Yongest brother of Pajero” here, and actually sold very well, and Mitsubishi still have this “Pajero mini” at their Catalogue since 1994year… Yes, The latest model “Pajero Mini” is available in japan… This shows that This “Pajero mini” has been prefered by many japanese, and it’s On progress year by years.
The engine is Rare “4cylinder 20valve DOHC” engine with the Intercooler(Air type). Its character is “Very silent” and “Very powerful”. Especially The gear ratio setting of this Pajero Mini Automatic meet “City area driving”, so Up to 80km/h, faster and quick response like “Subaru Samber supercharger EN07Engine”, and Famous “Suzuki Powerful F6B 4cylinger turbo engine(For Suzuki Cerbo mode 4×4 model only)”, and Alto works 3cyl turbo DOHC engine(F6A)…
We have been selling many types of “Kei-cars”, Mini truck, sedan, wagon, hatchback, etc, and We believe this “Micro size Pajero” will be prefered, and popular in Canada soon or later, by its “Good on fuel”, “Small but realiable”, and “Good winter performance”..
We already inspected this pajero FULLY at our registered mechanical workshop, and changed a couple of “Parts”, which were worn… Pajero mini famous weak point “Vbelt screeming” issue was seen on this unit, but already the Vbelts changed, and the belt pulley adjusted… All are inspected, now “Good running condition”.
If you are interested in this very cute, “Micro size Pajero”, Please visit our webpage, and then send us enquiry form, or e-mail.
We believe We show many details as could as possible than any other exporters, but if you have questions, etc, feel free to contact us via our webpage.
1994 Mitsubishi Pajero Mini H56A 4×4 DOHC 20Valve Turbo For sale info here:
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